Triangle Growth Partners Pty Ltd (TGP) has a unique team comprising of internationally credentialed advisors and associates with extensive knowledge and experience in commercialization, innovation, business transformation, business growth/scale-up, mentoring, and structuring and executing transactions to successfully enter high-growth and high-demand sectors overseas. TGP also develops and delivers purpose-built, capability building programs, such as ScaleUpWA, to assist established and emerging SMEs to achieve scale through a tailored program of business transformation, building export readiness, establishing market and funding connections, and mentoring.
Over the past three years, forerunner programs to ScaleUpWA have assisted over 50 SMEs in sectors ranging from food and beverages, food value-add, food distribution, health, mental health and safety, cyber security, virtual reality, mapping technology, entrepreneurial networks, education, and battery assembling and distribution, to build their own business transformation strategies as well targeted market entry strategies across pan Asian markets.