Innovation Potential Assessment

The Innovation Potential Assessment (IPA) is a self-assessment to understand the readiness of an individual to initiate and implement innovation projects, by measuring their level of innovative Mindset and their know-how to make innovation real. The different combinations of these levels showcase innovation profiles, with different elements to leverage and to improve on, as well as the training needs & offering to go one step further

All Innovation Professionals Fall Under 7 Innovation Profiles

The combination of maturity levels of Mindset and Knowledge & Tools characterize individuals in 1 of 7 innovation profiles, each of which have a customized journey map to become better innovators 

Rule Challenger

Creative, forward-thinking A-Player with the right attitude to learn by doing, and eagerness to build the new

Rule Breaker

Creative, forward-thinking learner and experimenter who continuosly pivots to build the new

Rule Maker

Experienced innovation thought leader who skillfully and courageously challenges the status quo and executes powerful value propositions for today and the future

Diamond in the Rough

Sharp thinker who is open to learn and have strong foundations to foster innovation potential

Optimistic Executor

Result-driven executor who brings together ideas in a fast, flexible and disciplined approach

Rule Executor

Professional who brings specific know-how to innovation teams, who must see short-term results to gain confidence to invest time into building the new

Rule Follower

Professional who accepts established practices and prefers to follow the rules and guidelines to execute activities

The IPA Produces An Individual Report

Based on the Self-Assessment answers, individuals can automatically access their personalized report with the following components

Innovation Mindset Results
Knowledge & Tools Results
Innovation Profile & Suggestions to pursue
  • General Results 
  • Results by subcomponents Growth Mindset,  Grit, Creative Collaboration and Flexible Execution 
  • Innovation Mindset Drivers, Enablers and Barriers
  • General Results 
  • Results by subcomponents Intent, Concepts, Resources and Make it Real
  • Knowledge & Tools Drivers, Enablers and Barriers
  • Map Innovation Profile results based on level of Innovative Mindset and Knowledge & Tools 
  • Characterization of Innovation Profile 
  • Suggestions and trainings to pursue to become better innovators

The IPA Also Has An Optional Aggregate Report

Organizations can assess large groups of employees to identify the individuals who can be assigned immediately in innovation teams and the ones who need some training to be able to drive high innovation results

IPA landing page elements
Aggregate Innovation Potential Results
  • Company-wide average scores for Innovation Mindset and Knowledge & Tools 
  • Top insights on the drivers, enablers and barriers to drive innovation forward at company level
IPA landing page elements (1)
  • Results & recommendations by departments, roles or seniority
  • Results & recommendations by any segmentation required by the company
IPA landing page elements (2)
Pre-Selection of Groups to Train
  • Customized journey maps to develop talent based on results
  • Suggestion of ideal development plan based on company needs

Here's Why You Should Conduct A Innovation Potential Assessment

  • Identify candidates for innovation initiatives
  • Generate Individual Reports for each participant
  • Create Aggregate Segmentation Report 
  • Review individuals’ strengths and weaknesses 
  • Identify people who could be put on Innovation teams 
  • Identify people who could be champions of Innovation Management
  • Receive training journey maps for participants

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Assess your level of innovative mindset and know-how to make innovation real

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