Our business innovation solutions will take your organization to the next level

Reach your innovation ecosystem goals with the help of GIM Institute’s certification process

Gain An Organization Maturity Certification And Supercharge Your Innovation Management

GIMI supports your organization’s innovation management and leadership goals.


GIMI Organization Maturity Certification (OMC) first requires an organizational  audit, accomplished either via self-audit or 3rd-party auditors (GIMI certified auditors). After this assessment, your organization receives OMC certification for the current innovation maturity level, as well as implementation plans for achieving further results.

AUDIT Process - SELF-assessment

Innovation Self-Audit

  • Acquire annual license of GIMI Audit Tool for organizations (here)
  • Conduct the innovation audit for your organization
  • Within four weeks, GIM Institute reviews your organization’s audit results, provides recommendations to improve your innovation strategy, capacity and discipline, and assesses the right level of GIMI OMC certification for your organization
  • Organization Maturity Certification (GIMI OMC): $2500 for each level attained
AUDIT PROCESS - Third party Assessment

GIMI Innovation Audit

  • Contact GIM Institute to recommend you the 3rd-party GIMI auditor, based on your industry and location.
  • Receive the proposal from the 3rd-party auditor on audit price and deliverables
  • Within 4 weeks time, GIM Institute reviews the audit results, provides you with recommendations on how to improve your innovation strategy, capacity & discipline, and assess the right level of Organization 
  • Organization Maturity Certification (GIMI OMC): $2500 for each level attained, plus auditor costs

Our Framework

Our High-Performance Innovation Framework- HPI has been implemented globally and was audited and endorsed as ISO+ compliant

Organization Innovation Certification Maturity Levels

Based on the company’s Pre-Audit, GIMI identifies the maturity level of the Innovation Management System and suggests the appropriate level to apply for certification 

Innovation Management

Level 1


  • Understand why they need to innovate and are willing to invest in different types of projects.
  • Has a well-defined innovation process, some alliances, and resources available for innovation
  • Has metrics linked to business strategy

Level 2


  • Communicates the case for change in the short, medium, and long term and the different fields of play to innovate
  • Has well-trained innovation teams, a regular agenda for innovation activities
  • Recognize individuals with outstanding innovation results

Innovation Leadership

Level 3


  • Has clear innovation targets and its portfolio has multiple projects on different time horizons with winning business models
  • The innovation process is functional, resources are allocated to innovation, and partners are managed systematically
  • KPIs are frequently measured and rewards and recognition are a formal process

Level 4


  • It is recognized as an innovation leader in the ecosystem and has remarkable innovation results
  • Has a systematic and dynamic process and high-performance innovation teams sharing knowledge across the industry
  • Continuously measure innovation performance and develops action plans to quickly adjust to changing environments

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Hear From The Innovation Managers Of GIMI Certified Organizations

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