Paul A. Hobcraft

As a seasoned advisor and thought leader in the realm of innovation and business ecosystems thinking and design, Paul brings a wealth of experience and strategic insights to help organizations navigate the complexities of ecosystem-driven innovation. In today’s dynamic and interconnected business landscape, ecosystems have emerged as a powerful force for driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and unlocking new growth opportunities.

Managed organizations or divisional P&Ls; based in Saudi Arabia, Kenya, the UK, Netherlands, Switzerland), Singapore & Malaysia for two to five years in leading consumer, ingredient supply, specialty chemicals, and industrial product businesses. I lived in Asia for fourteen years, travelling extensively for business building. A builder of startups, turnarounds, operational and organization redesigns, and repositioning, leading change in many challenging and often uncertain market environments in constant business development mode.

Today, my primary role is advising, mentoring, and coaching as a “transition to business ecosystems and innovation advocate” who applies Ecosystem thinking and design to today’s complex and tough challenges.



The Dynamism in Chinese Ecosystems and Platforms

The Role of Education and Learning for Innovation

Preparing Ourselves for Innovation Standards

Paul4innovating Innovation Views

Paul A. Hobcraft
Ecosystems, Innovation. Energy Transition

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