Manuel Mendes

Manuel Mendes is the Cofounder and Global Managing Director at Boston Innovation Gateway, the Global Executive Director at IXL Center, and a Board Member at the Harvard Extension Entrepreneurship Association. His entrepreneurial journey began in 1992 when, at the age of 14, he started his first internship during summer vacation. A year later, he convinced his father to lend him $30,000 to open a store selling imported goods. This led to the establishment of a trading company in Miami, a distribution company, and multiple new stores.


Manuel’s business acumen quickly attracted partners, leading to ventures in technology, engineering, and venture capital across Europe and the USA until 2012. By then, he was managing 23 companies with 1,500 direct and 2,500 indirect employees. Rising from office boy to CEO, he gained invaluable lessons in partnerships, learning by doing, humility, resilience, and striving for excellence.


In 2013, Manuel moved to Boston, driven by the desire to be among the world’s brightest minds. He completed his third postgraduate degree and had his study on global expansion highlighted by Harvard University and published in the Harvard Business Review in 2015. This marked his transition from strategic executive roles to consulting, founding Boston Innovation Gateway with global innovation leaders Hitendra Patel and Rom Jonash.


Under his leadership, Boston Innovation Gateway has served over 500 companies for international expansion and conducted more than 30 missions to connect and inspire leaders globally. Manuel continues to nurture his entrepreneurial spirit by partnering with and investing in global ventures. He also mentors international MBA students on innovation projects with Fortune 500 companies, teaches classes, gives lectures, and serves on advisory boards, including the Global Innovation Management Institute and the Harvard Extension Entrepreneurship Association.


Focused on internationalization, strategy, innovation, business growth acceleration, and leadership, Manuel’s mission is to help people, organizations, and governments connect with the world and achieve greater heights. If you’re interested in connecting, let’s have a coffee!


Manuel Mendes

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