All companies want big ideas. CEOs want innovations to spur growth for the company — new ways of gaining market share and raising revenue. But more than 90% of new product and service ideas don’t make it to the market. Why?
Even more confounding – and common – are products that launch, but fall notably short of expectations.
Why is so much effort being put into innovation with not enough results at the end of the day? And, even when some great ideas emerge from a corporation, why do they often fizzle?
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Hitendra Patel, Ph.D.: Founder and Executive Director at IXL Center and professor for multiple universities. He has coached new emerging leaders and managers of new and fast-growth businesses across the globe. Hitendra created the IXLerator to help SMEs generate new 10X growth through business ideas adjacent to their core business. It is the largest SME accelerator in the world graduating over 400 companies.