Tasks of a Chief Innovation Officer: External Idea Sourcing

The tasks of whoever is in charge of maximizing the company’s innovation activities should involve both external and internal activities and programs to make their companies as innovative as they hope them to be. Today’s post focuses on external activities to make firms more “innovative.”

Everything Can Be Deconstructed and Reconstructed

Audrey Cheng | Game Changers Podcasts by GIM Institute   At the age of 22, Audrey Cheng founded the Moringa School, a ground-breaking programming school located in Nairobi. Moringa aims to give young Kenyans good jobs in the country’s growing tech sector. Although this accomplishment came at a young age, Audrey’s experience in developing an innovation mindset started […]

Top 10 Innovation Conferences

Innovation Conferences are the fastest way to understand what is out there: who is the industry leader, which thought leadership is worth following, who are the potential partners and competitors. The Innovation Conferences prompt about the latest trends and help us build the network of the most important connections. There are hundreds of Innovation Conferences […]

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