Global Learning: Innovating with Diverse Teams to Create New Knowledge

Stephanie Doscher Ed.D. | Game Changers Podcasts by GIM Institute “Global learning is a process that involves diverse people collaboratively analyzing and addressing complex problems that transcend borders. This results in the production of new knowledge about the world and the way it works.” Stephanie Doscher is Director of Florida International University’s Global Learning for Global […]

Sustaining Innovation with “Cross-Talk”

Dr. Nada Milosavljevic | Game Changers Podcasts by GIM Institute | Part 2 In our last podcast, Dr. Nada shared her insights about trends in integrative medicine. This week, we’re focusing on her own business, Sage Tonic, specifically on her strategies for creating long term economic sustainability of her enterprise. We’ll also learn how she […]

Personalized Medicine Trend: It’s Not Just A Sophisticated Use Of Genetic Research

Dr. Nada Milosavljevic | Game Changers Podcasts by GIM Institute “It’s only been … more recently in Western medicine that you hear about that mind-body connection. But we now know that the two are inseparable. Various systems in the body do cross-communicate and you can’t treat a particular condition in isolation of the rest of […]

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