Top 10 Innovations In Construction
A decade ago the construction industry was behind when it came to adopting new technologies and innovation strategies. However within the past few years, construction industry encountered countless instances of advancements that have the major impacts today. The construction sector is one of the world’s largest industrial employer, a major source of revenue from exports […]
Top 10 Master Degree Programmes in Innovation
Today globally recognized universities offer Master Degree Programmes in Innovation or incorporate innovation study to the most successful business, engineering and the other programs. Innovation has become a subject that attracts a lot of students and creates a strong basis for their future careers. Global Innovation Management Institute has identified TOP 10 Master Degree Programmes […]
Top 10 Innovation Trends in Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceutical (Pharma) industry is a set of public and private organizations that discover, develop, and manufacture drugs and medications (pharmaceuticals). The 19th century is the beginning of the modern era of the pharmaceutical industry, because then it started focusing on chemical synthesis. Prior to that, for thousands of years people relied on medicinal properties of […]
Top 10 Innovations Of The 19th Century
Everything, that surrounds us and currently is taken for granted, was invented at some time in the past. The 19th century was the age of machine tools: tools that made tools, machines that made parts for other machines. During this century a lot of things were invented that have reshaped human lives, infrastructure and aspirations. It was the time […]
Top 10 Innovation Bloggers
In a world where thousands of amazing innovations are discovered every day, we need guidance to understand how these innovations can be used or to discern what impact they will have in practice. We may not be familiar with all these new developments, but our lives are already affected — one way or another — […]
Top 10 Most Innovative Startups
Over the past decade the term startup has been a buzz-word with increasing frequency. The official definition of a startup is as following: Early stage in the life cycle of an enterprise where the entrepreneur moves from the idea stage to securing financing, laying down the basis structure of the business, and initiating operations or […]
Top 10 Sweet Food Innovations
Innovation in sweet foods is really tricky. For centuries people created traditions and customs around sweet foods, such as candies, cakes and pancakes. Even a slim change can be easily rejected when it comes to what is already delicious and sweet. Therefore introducing Top 10 Innovations in Sweet Foods should be seen a serious challenge […]
Top 10 Innovations For Women
Both women in innovation and innovation for women are life changers. Women around the world have worked hard to reach equality, representation in governmental institutions, human rights and peace. Today more than ever before, we are proud to name the greatest female innovators and thought leaders, who have brought their breakthrough ideas to the global […]
Top 10 Innovation Competitions
In modern societies everyone is enabled to create the next big thing. Innovation competitions encourage independent experts from various industries to take a part in managing innovation challenges. By definition, innovation competition is an attempt by independent agents to solve an innovation challenge of a certain company. We Created The List Of Top 10 Innovation Competitions […]
Top 10 Outdoor Innovations
The 20th of March officially marks the start of Spring in North Hemisphere. It is the time when people spend more time outdoors and try to live-up to the unexpected ideas that spring up in everyone’s head. Connecting these two – new ideas and time outdoors – we get plenty of amazing outdoor innovations. Top […]